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Three Rivers Festival CHALKWALK - Sun.07.15.2018

Three Rivers Festival 2018


Sponsored by the FWMoA

Fort Wayne, Indiana

Sunday, July 15, 2018

I usually don't give much commentary but this year is different.
Allen Etter is physically not among us.  His spirit was felt.
I had Allen as an instructor while I was attending IPFW pursuing
my BFA in Photography...that is another story.  His incite, instruction
and encouragement will long be remembered and I frequently
pass along what I experienced to others while I was a student
under his guidance.  

The WALK this year was different for me.  I tried focusing
on artists that were still in the finishing stages of their
pieces.  Overall I was thoroughly impressed with the
size of some of the works and the diversity of talent.
I could not begin to imagine the prep work involved in
some of these creations.  Many of artists that I spoke with
were graduates of the SFU or IPFW...For me this is my
major TRF event.  I look forward to this every year.  I have
not had the opportunity to attend all of the WALKS due
to conflicts with either work or other activities.  

In 2005 the TRF parade, during the Mastodons on Parade 
community art event for the 40th 
Anniversary of IPFW, was held on my birthday.
That whole art event was remarkable.  One I will never forget.
I was fortunate to be involved with the project and 
a lot of my photography was entered in the book
published for the event by IPFW, which I will 
ever be grateful.

Enjoy these images there are around 252...
I hope yours is included in this collection, and BTW
I truly appreciate ALL the entries and am
looking forward to next year's CHALKWALK.

OH...I drove by the entry site this afternoon while
coming home from RUB A DUB DUB DOG SPA with
my long hair doxie...ALLEN
and the you missed this year's
event...Come next are in for an
amazing visual treat.

My favorite you ask...the elephant of course...!

How the day started out...cloudy with a light breeze...!


  1. Loving me the abundance of Fortland artcentricity displayed in this time-honored Three Rivers Festival tradition. Special thanks to Randy Jackson for sharing these glorious photos AND to Dan Moord for the very wonderful artwork he created in my honor. Fort Heads ROCK!

  2. Sorry you lost your mentor. Thanks for capturing the beautifully creative art and the artists at work. Looking forward to Chalkwalk 2019!


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