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Circus Ring of Fame Weekend - Sat. Sun. 01.12-13.2019

Circus Ring of Fame Weekend

Saturday & Sunday

January 12 & 13, 2019

Showfolks of Sarasota


Saint Armand's Circle

Sarasota, Florida

2019 INDUCTEES into the CRoF
Rodos Acrobatic Troupe / Palace Duo Act
The Hernandez Family
Ron Morris
 Carla Wallenda

Two things...I didn't capture as many images as I had in the past.
And, my back was giving me issues.  Being the 
"Photographer's Photographer"
I chose to capture enough images to satisfy my needs.
I learned that there were several paid photogs there to capture
the event so I chose to remain out of the way to allow 
them a better shot at the event.  Plus, for me to
just sit back and enjoy the event for what it was
was a treat in it's self...

The first set of images was taken at Showfolks of Sarasota during the
Meet and Greet for the 
2019 Circus Ring of Fame Inductees Saturday night.
The second set of images are of the Inductee Ceremony on Sunday.

It was great seeing again Jeanette Williams, La Norma Fox, Rick Wallenda, 
and other members of Circus Royalty caliber.
As I have said before just being in Showfolks Club...
"I am so unworthy to be in here." If those walls could talk...

You will see in the second set of images of the Circus Ring of Fame
plaques; several plaques relating to images of performers
displayed performing their routines...
That is why the honor exists.



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